Monday, August 25, 2008

Subliminal Technology! Big Corporations have secretly used it on You, NOW use it on your self!!!

For many years now various organizations have used technology on the population for their benefit. Testing various subjects to see how effective their specific product or invention functions. Sometimes times they ask for volunteers (guinea pigs) whom they may pay or may not. Then there are the hidden secret experiments that large corporations, various scientific organizations and even our own governments undertake to gather data. Sometimes these experiments are taken without consent.


They don't tell us but we all basically have been exposed to "subliminal" activity being portrayed on us. Walking in the malls into various stores, the music playing softly, and some very catchy tune taps our ear drum. Yet, under the tones, "messages" designed to encourage buying. A quick glance at an advertisement and "Blam" without you hardly blanking an eye the mind has been influenced. A hidden message placed in the picture of that advertisement. Look, don't be shocked nor disbelieving. These things are being done and more extensively than what I am writing. The air waves are filled with this activity. However, it is working against you for the sake of others.


Use this technology to your advantage. Make it work for YOU. Right now, available to you is the high tech tools used by these deceptive masterminds to underhandedly persuade and influence you out of your hard earn "MONEY."



Subliminal Video Messages
--------------------------------------------Subliminal Messages - The Secret Seduction?
by Nelson Berry
All Rights Reserved

Subliminal Messages are all over the place!
1- Subliminal Messages in Artwork
2- Subliminal Messages in Music
3- Subliminal Messages in Advertising
4- Subliminal Messages in Movies
Subliminal messages, or hidden messages, contain a hidden stimuli with a planned response.
With the recent advances in technology, subliminal messages can now be created and distributed with a standard computer by the average person. The applications range from self help to seduction and from advertising to weight loss. People use subliminal messages to create desires, expectations and beliefs about anything they desire through subconscious programming.
Subconscious programming is exactly like setting an airplane on auto-pilot. Once your subconscious mind understands clearly what you want, it will draw the object of your desire to you and guide you to it automatically.
Most people have experienced this and label it as "good luck" or "bad luck" and leave it at that. It has been scientifically proven that the subconscious mind controls the results that we experience in our lives. In other words, what you think, feel and believe about yourself right now determines what your results are going to be right now.
Your subconscious mind is an amazing "recorder". It has recorded and stored everything about your life and uses the information it has stored towards your life right now. It has stored all of your thoughts, attitudes, emotions and experiences. This is what you draw from to make your decisions from minute to minute right now.
This is where the secret lies...
You can plant "manufactured" images, experiences, feelings, attitudes and thoughts in your vast memory bank and, if done properly your subconscious mind will not know the difference between these real experiences and these new manufactured experiences and images. You can choose to plant new experiences, attitudes and beliefs that will support you in any direction that you want to go. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation. EVERY thought has creative power. The subconscious accepts whatever you pretend is real and will use it to create your outer reality. The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do NOT want.
Weight Loss -- The diet of your future. Your weight is finally perfect. The slim down was easy this time. Your health is good and you feel great. Exercise is easy because you are more focused on the outcome and the outcome is good. The food you eat is nutritious and low fat and tastes good because it is good for you and makes you feel better and look better right away, right now. You are happy and continue to feel better and better about your weight, body, health and appearance. You are doing it!
Addiction -- Alcohol addiction, drug addiction and sex addiction treatment and recovery easily proceeds because of your willingness. You are willing to try and learn new things and are happy, joyful and satisfied by daily progress away from all false dependencies. Your soul and spirit are continuously satisfied moment by moment with your truth and direction of your spirit. It's all you ever wanted and now you have it. Enjoy it today and share it with others!
Self Esteem -- When it comes to your self esteem, the truth has set you free. Your self esteem is growing and becoming stronger every day because you only think of yourself in the light of strength, power and positive light. The truth of your power is reinforced by your willingness to help others and makes you feel the inner strength you have earned.
The inner desire of the wise and conscious soul is to externalize, to create a tangible manifestation of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that belief. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs. Your life is not your master, it is your child. Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart truly desires will come to you.
Let's "get lucky" today!
Nelson BerrySubliminal Video Messages""The website and the company that is pioneer in the field of Subliminal Messages Online, the leader in Subliminal Messages and has continued to be the leader in Subliminal Messages and Subliminal Messages Technology has been Nelson Berry with Subliminal Video Messages at Subliminal Video Messages Nelson Berry Subliminal Messages Technology is responsible for Millions of Subliminal Messages products sold annually for almost 2 decades.

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